Ready to start your own business ?
Ready to make some fast easy money?
You’re in the right place!
Black Orchid Hair Co. offers the best hair in the market and is ready to share these blessings with others. Have you always wanted to have your own hairline but didn’t know where to start? Easy! Start here… Start now…
This is for serious investors only!
The wholesale pricing and marketing information will not be given until you have enrolled in the program.
Within the program you will be educated on different marketing strategies and everything you will need to know to start your own business. Ex: hair bags or boxes, logos, website, hair wraps, shipping, the best referrals, etc. You do not have to be under Black Orchid Hair Co you will have your own business with your own name.
The initial enrollment fee is $250.00
This fee is non-refundable!
The enrollment fee is for you! You will officially be ready to work! This fee is for all the knowledge you will need to get into selling hair and branding your top dollar hair business.
The price list will be included in the enrollment fee as well. Once paid you will receive all the information needed. After enrollment there will be an “extensions only package” starting at $1000. Customized packages will also be available. Wholesale packages are a Minimum of 20 bundles.
If you would like to sample the hair before joining that is fine as well. You can purchase one bundle of each texture to do testing on the hair.
If you’re serious about investing in your own brand please pay as soon as possible so that we can get you started on your journey to building an empire! The enrollment fee is NON REFUNDABLE and will be added to the price of your hair packages.
Once paid you will receive all the information needed to become an independent seller.
Congrats, You’re only steps away from building you’re very own empire!
Join now by clicking below!